This paper aims for the analysis of experimental and numerical results of windmilling flow topologies far from freewheeling condition. Two major cooling fans were investigated: a baseline design and an innovative one meant to reach good performance in both compressor and turbine modes. Experiments are conducted with global and local characterizations to determine energy recovery potential and local loss mechanisms. Also, tests were performed on a turbofan engine to confirm some trends observed on the cooling fans. The numerical study is carried out with mixing plane steady simulations, the results of which are in fair agreement with experimental data. The difference of local topology between freewheeling and highly loaded windmill demonstrates that classical deviation rules such as Carter's are not well-suited to highly loaded windmilling flows. Finally, under certain conditions, the minor influence of the stator on the rotor topology indicates that nonrotating elements can be considered as loss generators.
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July 2017
Experimental and Numerical Flow Analysis of Low-Speed Fans at Highly Loaded Windmilling Conditions
Aurélie Ortolan,
Aurélie Ortolan
SAFRAN Technofan,
Blagnac 31700, France;
Blagnac 31700, France;
Search for other works by this author on:
Suk-Kee Courty-Audren,
Suk-Kee Courty-Audren
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
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Nicolas Binder,
Nicolas Binder
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
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Xavier Carbonneau,
Xavier Carbonneau
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
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Nicolás García Rosa,
Nicolás García Rosa
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
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Florent Challas
Florent Challas
SAFRAN Technofan,
Blagnac 31700, France
Blagnac 31700, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Aurélie Ortolan
SAFRAN Technofan,
Blagnac 31700, France;
Blagnac 31700, France;
Suk-Kee Courty-Audren
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Nicolas Binder
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Xavier Carbonneau
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Nicolás García Rosa
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Université de Toulouse,
Toulouse 31400, France
Florent Challas
SAFRAN Technofan,
Blagnac 31700, France
Blagnac 31700, France
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received August 22, 2016; final manuscript received December 16, 2016; published online March 7, 2017. Editor: Kenneth Hall.
J. Turbomach. Jul 2017, 139(7): 071009 (8 pages)
Published Online: March 7, 2017
Article history
August 22, 2016
December 16, 2016
Ortolan, A., Courty-Audren, S., Binder, N., Carbonneau, X., Rosa, N. G., and Challas, F. (March 7, 2017). "Experimental and Numerical Flow Analysis of Low-Speed Fans at Highly Loaded Windmilling Conditions." ASME. J. Turbomach. July 2017; 139(7): 071009.
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