Alloy 22 (N06022) has been extensively tested for general and localized corrosion behavior both in the wrought annealed condition and in the as-welded condition. In general, the specimens for laboratory testing are mostly prepared from flat plates of material. It is important to determine if the process of fabricating a container will affect the corrosion performance of this alloy. Thus, specimens for corrosion testing were prepared directly from a fabricated full-diameter Alloy 22 container. Results show that both the anodic corrosion behavior and the localized corrosion resistance of specimens prepared from a welded container were the same as those from flat welded plates.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, K. J.
, Wong
, L. L.
, and Rebak
, R. B.
, 2004, “Determination of the Crevice Repassivation Potential of Alloy 22 by a Potentiodynamic-Galvanostatic-Potentiostatic Method
, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
, New York
, Vol. 483
, pp. 137
, K. J.
, Yilmaz
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, Day
, S. D.
, Wong
, L. L.
, Estill
, J. C.
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, R. B.
, 2005, “Comparison of Electrochemical Methods to Determine Crevice Corrosion Repassivation Potential of Alloy 22 in Chloride Solutions
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, G. O.
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, R. B.
, Etien
, R. A.
, Gordon
, S. R.
, and Ilevbare
, G. O.
, 2006, “Influence of Black Annealing Oxide Scale on the Anodic Behavior of Alloy 22
,” Corrosion/2006
, NACE International
, Houston, TX
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, D. V.
, Yilmaz
, A.
, Wong
, L. L.
, Estill
, J. C.
, and Rebak
, R. B.
, 2005, “Effect of Surface Stress Mitigation on the Corrosion Behavior of Alloy, 22
,” Corrosion/2005
, NACE International
, Houston, TX
, Paper No. 05606.9.
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, NACE International
, Houston, TX
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, K. J.
, and Rebak
, R. B.
, 2002, “Passivity of Alloy 22 in Concentrated Electrolytes. Effect of Temperature and Solution Composition
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, J. H.
, Summers
, T.
, and Rebak
, R. B.
, 2004, Corrosion/2004
, NACE International
, Houston, TX
, Paper No. 04692.Copyright © 2007
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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