The stresses of a pipe flange connection with a spiral-wound gasket under internal pressure are analyzed taking account a nonlinearity and a hysteresis of the gasket by using an axisymmetric theory of elasticity and the finite element method (FEM). The leakage tests were also conducted using an actual pipe flange connection with a spiral-wound gasket. Using the contact stress distribution of the pipe flange connection with 3-in. nominal diameter under internal pressure and the tightness parameter, the values of the new gasket constants are obtained by taking into account the changes in the contact stress. A difference in the new gasket constants between the estimated values obtained from the actual pipe flange connection and the values obtained by the PVRC procedure is small. In addition, a method to determine the bolt preload for a given tightness parameter is demonstrated. The obtained results of the bolt preload for the pipe flange connection are in a fairly good agreement with those obtained by the PVRC procedure under a lower pressure application. However, a difference in the bolt preload is about 10% when an internal pressure is increased.
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November 2002
Technical Papers
Stress Analysis and Determination of Bolt Preload in Pipe Flange Connections With Gaskets Under Internal Pressure
Toshiyuki Sawa, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor,
Toshiyuki Sawa, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamanashi University, Yamanashi, Japan
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Naofumi Ogata, Graduate Student,
Naofumi Ogata, Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamanashi University, Yamanashi, Japan
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Takahito Nishida, Director,
Takahito Nishida, Director,
Nippon Valqua Inc., Tokyo, Japan
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Toshiyuki Sawa, Mem. ASME, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamanashi University, Yamanashi, Japan
Naofumi Ogata, Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamanashi University, Yamanashi, Japan
Takahito Nishida, Director,
Nippon Valqua Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented at the Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 22–26, 2001, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, September 26, 2001; revised manuscript received July 30, 2002. Associate Editor: R. Mohan.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Nov 2002, 124(4): 385-396 (12 pages)
Published Online: November 8, 2002
Article history
September 26, 2001
July 30, 2002
November 8, 2002
Sawa, T., Ogata, N., and Nishida, T. (November 8, 2002). "Stress Analysis and Determination of Bolt Preload in Pipe Flange Connections With Gaskets Under Internal Pressure ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. November 2002; 124(4): 385–396.
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