Fatigue-strength-reduction factors (FSRFs) are used in the design of pressure vessels and piping subjected to cyclic loading. This paper reviews the background and basis of FSRFs that are used in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, focusing on weld joints in Class 1 nuclear pressure vessels and piping. The ASME Code definition of FSRF is presented. Use of the stress concentration factor (SCF) and stress indices are discussed. The types of welds used in ASME Code construction are reviewed. The effects of joint configuration, welding process, cyclic plasticity, dissimilar metal joints, residual stress, post-weld heat treatment, the nondestructive inspection performed, and metallurgical factors are discussed. The current status of weld FSRFs, including their development and application, are presented. Typical fatigue data for weldments are presented and compared with the ASME Code fatigue curves and used to illustrate the development of FSRF values from experimental information. Finally, a generic procedure for determining FSRFs is proposed and future work is recommended. The five objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to clarify the current procedures for determining values of fatigue-strength-reduction factors (FSRFs); 2) to collect relevant published data on weld-joint FSRFs; 3) to interpret existing data on weld-joint FSRFs; 4) to facilitate the development of a future database of FSRFs for weld joints; and 5) to facilitate the development of a standard procedure for determining the values of FSRFs for weld joints. The main focus is on weld joints in Class 1 nuclear pressure vessels and piping. [S0094-9930(00)02703-7]
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August 2000
Technical Papers
Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factors for Welds in Pressure Vessels and Piping
Carl E. Jaske
Carl E. Jaske
CC Technologies Laboratories, Inc., 6141 Avery Road, Dublin, OH 43016-8761
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Carl E. Jaske
CC Technologies Laboratories, Inc., 6141 Avery Road, Dublin, OH 43016-8761
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented at the Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Seattle, Washington, July 23–27, 2000, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the PVP Division, March 1, 2000; revised manuscript received April 17, 2000. Technical Editor: S. Y. Zamrik.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Aug 2000, 122(3): 297-304 (8 pages)
Published Online: April 17, 2000
Article history
March 1, 2000
April 17, 2000
Jaske, C. E. (April 17, 2000). "Fatigue-Strength-Reduction Factors for Welds in Pressure Vessels and Piping ." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. August 2000; 122(3): 297–304. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.556186
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