To understand the evolution of dynamic stiffness of damaged synthetic fiber mooring ropes, experimental investigations of polyester and high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) ropes are systematically performed utilizing a specially designed experimental system. An experimental procedure is proposed and test results show that the dynamic stiffness increases with increasing mean load and loading cycles, while decreases with increasing strain amplitude and damage level. The similarity criterion of dynamic stiffness is derived from the dimensional analysis for damaged ropes and verified by experiments. An empirical expression that accounts for the damage, mean load, strain amplitude, and loading cycles is proposed to describe the damage effect upon dynamic stiffness of synthetic fiber mooring ropes.
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December 2015
Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Stiffness of Damaged Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Deepwater Moorings
Haixiao Liu,
Haixiao Liu
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China;
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China;
Collaborative Innovation Center for
Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Yushun Lian,
Yushun Lian
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Yuming Zhang
Yuming Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Haixiao Liu
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China;
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China;
Collaborative Innovation Center for
Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai 200240, China
Yushun Lian
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Linan Li
Yuming Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
Engineering Simulation and Safety,
Tianjin University,
Tianjin 300072, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received February 20, 2015; final manuscript received August 18, 2015; published online September 10, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Myung Hyun Kim.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Dec 2015, 137(6): 061401 (8 pages)
Published Online: September 10, 2015
Article history
February 20, 2015
August 18, 2015
Liu, H., Lian, Y., Li, L., and Zhang, Y. (September 10, 2015). "Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Stiffness of Damaged Synthetic Fiber Ropes for Deepwater Moorings." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. December 2015; 137(6): 061401.
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