This paper extends the kinematic synthesis methodology for designing a chain of bodies to match a set of arbitrary curves to the spatial case. The methodology initiates with an arbitrary set of spatial curves, and concludes with a set of bodies defined by their spatial features. The bodies synthesized can be one of three types: a rigid segment, a helical segment with constant curvature and torsion but varying length, and a growth segment that maintains its geometry but may be scaled to become larger or smaller. To realize mechanical chains for mechanisms that achieve spatial shape change, only rigid and helical segments are used. After designing the segments, they may be aligned with the original spatial curves with their ends connected via an optimization. For two curves, these connections may be made with revolute joints to obtain high accuracy. For three or more curves, spherical joint connections allow for best accuracy. To compare curves as is useful in morphometry, all three segment types may be employed. In this case, an accurate description of the changes between curves is important, and optimizing to connect the segments is not needed. The procedure for redefining the curves in a way that the techniques in this paper may be applied, as well as the methodologies for synthesizing the three segment types are presented. Examples include a continuum robot problem and the morphometric analyses of cochlear curves and the lambdoidal suture located on a human skull. This work extends the established planar techniques for synthesizing mechanisms and addressing morphometric issues that are motivated with curves in two-dimensions.