Included in this issue is a guest editorial by Professor John Uicker, who provides a personal perspective on the memory of leaders in mechanical design research. This November issue concludes our 2004 publication year, which was the first to consist of six bimonthly issues containing over 120 technical papers. During this year the number of submitted manuscripts is on track to reach 380, while at the same time our Associate Editors have reduced the review process to less than four months. In order to provide access to JMD papers that are in press, we have prepared a web page These papers are the most recent contributions to mechanical design research. It is a service to both the journal and our authors, if these papers are included in references for new manuscripts. The ASME publication committee has agreed to special features for next year that will reduce this production backlog. I am pleased to introduce three new Associate Editors. Individually, they have already served our research community in significant leadership roles. They are: Thomas Chase, University of Minnesota, for the Mechanisms and Robotics Technical Area. Shapour Azarm, University of Maryland, for the Design Automation Technical Area. Larry Howell, Brigham Young University, for the Mechanisms and Robotics Technical Area. Their photographs and short biographies follow. I am honored that they have agreed to join in maintaining and enhancing the stature of the Journal of Mechanical Design.
J. Michael McCarthy
University of California, Irvine