This paper deals with localized necking in stretched metal sheets using the initial imperfection approach. The first objective is to study the effect of kinematic hardening on the formability of a freestanding metal layer. To this end, the behavior of the metal layer is assumed to follow the rigid-plastic rate-independent flow theory. The isotropic (respectively, kinematic) hardening of this metal is modeled by the Hollomon (respectively, Prager) law. A parametric study is carried out in order to investigate the effect of kinematic hardening on the formability limits. It is shown that the effect of kinematic hardening on the ductility limit is noticeably different depending on the strain path considered. The second aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of an elastomer substrate, perfectly bonded to the metal layer, on the formability of the whole bilayer. It is found that the addition of an elastomer layer substantially enhances the formability of the bilayer, in agreement with earlier studies.
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June 2017
Localized Necking in Elastomer-Supported Metal Layers: Impact of Kinematic Hardening
Mohamed Ben Bettaieb,
Mohamed Ben Bettaieb
LEM3, UMR CNRS 7239—Arts et Métiers ParisTech,
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Farid Abed-Meraim
Farid Abed-Meraim
LEM3, UMR CNRS 7239—Arts et Métiers ParisTech,
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohamed Ben Bettaieb
LEM3, UMR CNRS 7239—Arts et Métiers ParisTech,
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Farid Abed-Meraim
LEM3, UMR CNRS 7239—Arts et Métiers ParisTech,
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
4 rue Augustin Fresnel,
Metz Cedex 3 57078, France;
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
Laboratory of Excellence on Design of Alloy
Metals for low-mAss Structures,
Université de Lorraine,
Nancy 54000, France
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received March 11, 2016; final manuscript received October 29, 2016; published online January 25, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Yannis Korkolis.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Jun 2017, 139(6): 061008 (10 pages)
Published Online: January 25, 2017
Article history
March 11, 2016
October 29, 2016
Ben Bettaieb, M., and Abed-Meraim, F. (January 25, 2017). "Localized Necking in Elastomer-Supported Metal Layers: Impact of Kinematic Hardening." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. June 2017; 139(6): 061008.
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