The effect of the angle of inclination on free convection flow and heat transfer from an isothermal surface is analyzed by the local nonsimilarity method of solution. An inclination parameter ξ as obtained from the analysis is tan γ/4 (Grx/4)1/4, where γ is the angle of inclination measured from the vertical and Grx is the local Grashof number, based on the component of the gravity vector along the surface. Numerical solutions of the equations are obtained for Prandtl numbers of 0.1, 0.7, 6 and 275. Results show an appreciable effect of ξ on the velocity field, and practically none on the temperature field, except for very large angles of inclination from the vertical or for very small values of the Prandtl number. In the limiting case of very large Prandtl number, ξ has no effect either on the velocity or the temperature field.

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