The Brazilian Wood Biomass Demonstration Project (WBP) Phase II was contracted with the United Nations Development Programme-PNUD, Setor Comerical Norte, Quadra 2-BLOCO A, EDF. Corporation-7o Andar, Brasilia-DF Brasil 70712-900 and General Electric Marine and Industrial Engines to develop the gas turbine equipment necessary to utilize fuel produced by the gasification of wood products. The program included performance studies, control specification requirements, bleed and fuel valve specifications, a modified dual gas fuel nozzle for fuel delivery to the combustor and results of two combustor component tests utilizing biomass simulated fuel. This paper will deal primarily with the fuel nozzle design elements, the setup and evaluation of the component combustor tests and resulting emissions produced by the simulated Biomass fuel. Details of the combustor test arrangement, facilities and special test equipment needed to complete the evaluation will be presented. In addition, background on the two types of combustor testing will be discussed.

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Battista, R. A., Pandalai, R. P., and Hilt, M. B., “Low Heating Value Fuel Burning Capabilities of General Electric Industrial Gas Turbines,” ASME Paper 82-GT-255.
Sabla, P. E., and Kutzko, G. G., 1985, “Combustion Characteristics of the GE LM2500 Combustor With Hydrogen—Carbon Monoxide Based Low BTU Fuels,” ASME Paper 85-GT-179.
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